Communion After Dark - May 6, 2019 Edition: 'All Requests Extended Show!'

This week Communion After Dark spins all Requests including Assemblage 23, Namnambulu, Skinny Puppy, Torul, Absurd Minds, Dreadful Shadows, Lord of the Lost, Blutengel, Velvet Acid Christ and more!

Communion After Dark - May 6
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Spotlighting the latest and best in alternative-electronic music, Communion After Dark is hosted weekly by DJ Mark Paradise (The Castle), DJ Maus (Simply Synthpop, STRANGELOVE) and DJ Tom Gold (Resident DJ at The Castle). They present the show as a companion to The Castle's Friday and Saturday dance nights in Tampa, Fla. (Ybor City).

  Running continuously with weekly nights since 1997, the club ( proudly stands as the premier place spinning these genres -- EBM, synth pop, dark electro, industrial, gothic / goth, power noise -- in the United States.

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Rona Rougeheart of SINE

Rona Rougeheart of SINE

CAD PLAYLIST (DATE): May 6, 2019 Edition


  1. Official Assemblage 23 - Bravery - Endure - Metropolis Records(2016) (Greg Cowell)

  2. NamNamBulu - Now or Never - Distances - Infacted Recordings/Nilhaihah (2003) (Scott Campbell)

  3. Faderhead - Escape Gravity - FH-X (2017) Rebekah Van Herk)

  4. Skinny Puppy - Assimilate - Bites - Nettwerk (1985) (Benjamin Schmeiser)

  5. Dulce Liquido - Pissed Off - Shock Therapy - Out of Line Records (2003) (Jens-Are Amundsen)

  6. SHIV-R - Pharmaceutical Grade - This World Erase - Infacted Recordings (2011) (David Scott)

  7. KMFDM - Leid Und Elend - Symbols - Wax Trax! (1997) (Bibliodude)

  8. God Module - Great Commandment (Camouflage Cover) - Electronic Saviors: Industrial Music To Cure Cancer Volume II: Recurrence - Metropolis Records/Distortion Productions LLC (2012) (Lauri Lindqvist)

Shot of the Week - Yoda Shot - 2 Parts Sour Apple schnapps, 1 Part Vodka, 1 Part Midori, 1 Part Blue Curacao


9. Solitary Experiments - Game Over - Phenomena - Out of Line Records (2013) (Megan Hunter)

10. TORUL - Ausverkauft (Rob Dust Mix) - Ausverkauft Single - Infacted Recordings (2019) (Rip Stewart)

11. Pulcher Femina - Obsession - Shadows of the Lovers (2001) (Stephanie Ricord)

12. Final Cut - I believe in you - Consumed - IRS Records (1992) (Paul White)

13. Absurd Minds - Interconnectedness - Serve or Suffer - Scanner (2010) (Stefan Balint)

14. Dreadful Shadows - New Day - The Cycle - Oblivion (1999) (Matthias)

15. Vanity Beach - The Knight Murders (feat. Chibi) The Birthday Massacre remix - Nights of the New (2003) (Zak Hunter)

16. Bat For Lashes - Daniel - Two Suns - Parlophone (2009) (Dan Z)

Communion After Dark

DJ NAME: Paradise

17. Mono Inc - Together Till the End - Together Til the End - NoCut (2017) (Michael Sena)

18. The Awakening - Dark Romantics - The Fourth Seal Of Zeen (2000) (Zurika Visser)

19. Electro Spectre - The Way You Love - A Man-Made Sun (2018) (Athena Barco)

20. Lord of the Lost - Voodoo Doll - Thornstar - Napalm Records (2018) (Daniel Ward)

21. Blutengel - White Wedding - Demons of the Past (2019) (Joseph Mythosian) - Out of Line Records

22. SINE - Feed The Vultures - INSOMNIÆ - Negative Gain Productions (2019)

(Tom Misuraca)

23. Velvet Acid Christ - Haunted - Hex Angel: (Utopia - Dystopia) - Dependent (2003)

(Mad Scientist)

Ton-Ton shot - Heavy Cream, Frangelicio and two drops of chocolate liqueur

24. Syntec - The Blind Love the Blind - The Total Immersion - Machinery Records (1993)

(Ben B)

Extra - Chat with KC Killjoy of Alpha Quadrant